Wednesday, August 22, 2018


"Live beyond "what if." Find joy in "what is."
Cambryn Taylor

Oh boy am I stressed. 

This week was my first week of college! I am super excited to be in college and  I am absolutely loving it so far, homework and all. However, college comes with both the awesome totally fun things and the stressful, depressing, not so fun things. From pretty much the first day of school I have been so worried and stressed, mainly regarding my financial situation. It is a big deal to be living on my own, to be almost completely independent from my family. Although at some times it is very liberating, at my most stressed moments, I feel worse. 

Basically, I am busy beyond busy, and it is only the third day of school. I am trying to balance classes, and homework, and work, and church, and scholarship events, and dance practices all at the same time. To add on top of that, simply put, I am poor. I am a college student. I can only work so many hours a week and I am trying to pay my tuition. All of this is making my head practically explode. Even with my priority list and knowing what comes first, it is still hard to just make it through the day and want to wake up in the morning and do it all again.

I feel like I am just rambling on and this post is losing its purpose. Last night, I was feeling so stressed about money. I just wanted to crawl in my bed and cry or drop out of school. It was major. So, I decided that night that I was going to wake up early tomorrow and go into the study room on the floor of my dorm to study my scriptures. I was able to say a prayer before my study, and read my scriptures out loud, which improves my understanding. While I was reading I felt an overwhelming sense of comfort and peace. I know that if we turn to the Lord in our times of trouble and in our times of peace we will receive all that we are in need of. 

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