Sunday, July 8, 2018


"You have not failed until you quit trying" 
President Hinckley 

The idea of imperfections is just a topic I was pondering on today. After witnessing an amazing girl, who I thought was nearly perfect, have an anxiety attack, I realized a couple of things: I realized that nobody, no matter what others would have us think, is perfect. Literally, everyone is struggling with something, some trial, some weakness, some temptation that keeps them from reaching perfection. I also realized that there are things that people are going through, that we may not know about. As weird as it may sound people don't always shout their struggles from the rooftop or their facebook feed. 

I taught a lesson for the beehives today. We were discussing the covenants that we made at baptism. The one thing that kept sticking out to me from the lesson is that, we are supposed to help other people. Our baptismal covenants are best fulfilled when we are serving other people. We were all put on this earth to struggle and be tempted and to have shortcomings, the only possible way that we can all make it back to Heaven, to our Heavenly Father, is to help and serve one another, just as Christ did. 

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