Sunday, July 15, 2018


         "Decide to do something today that will have eternal consequences." 
                    Elder Richard G Scott

I wanted to post about choices because I had to make one today. So this weekend I have been incredibly busy. I was working late Friday and I am house sitting this all next week so I just did not have time to work out on Friday or Saturday. I really want to be working out. Like a lot. So last night I reasoned with myself, since I was too busy the last 2 days, and I am never too busy on Sundays, I decided that I would work out on Sunday afternoon. I was still fine with that decision when I woke up this morning. However, the time came for me to get out of my church clothes and put on work out gear and I just couldn't do it. The Sabbath for me is a day that needs to remain holy. I know for other people, even those of my shared religion, working out on a Sunday isn't a problem but, every person is different and we all get to decide what we can and cannot do on a Sunday. For me, working out just takes away the spirit of the Sabbath. Even if it means I have to have 3 rest days in a row, I cannot workout today.

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