Saturday, July 28, 2018


"If today you are a little better than you were yesterday, then that is enough."
David A. Bednar

So..... obviously I haven't posted in a while... almost 2 weeks. 2 Weeks ago when I started house sitting for my boss, I just didn't have time to work on any of the goals that I had. I was barely spending more that 10 minutes at home and so I felt it justified that I took a break from making progress to focus on doing a good job house/ pet sitting.

Then, when my boss got back after a week.... I had not been working on my goals for so long that I just fell out of habit of doing them. Now the month of doing my goals is almost up and I have done completely and utterly terrible. So, with the new month approaching, I am going to do better. I am sure of it. I will be starting college this month and with a more set routine of my class and work schedule I am confident that I will be able to accomplish all of my 5 goals everyday for the month of August. My new college laptop arrived today and I am more motivated than ever to stay on track!

Sunday, July 15, 2018


         "Decide to do something today that will have eternal consequences." 
                    Elder Richard G Scott

I wanted to post about choices because I had to make one today. So this weekend I have been incredibly busy. I was working late Friday and I am house sitting this all next week so I just did not have time to work out on Friday or Saturday. I really want to be working out. Like a lot. So last night I reasoned with myself, since I was too busy the last 2 days, and I am never too busy on Sundays, I decided that I would work out on Sunday afternoon. I was still fine with that decision when I woke up this morning. However, the time came for me to get out of my church clothes and put on work out gear and I just couldn't do it. The Sabbath for me is a day that needs to remain holy. I know for other people, even those of my shared religion, working out on a Sunday isn't a problem but, every person is different and we all get to decide what we can and cannot do on a Sunday. For me, working out just takes away the spirit of the Sabbath. Even if it means I have to have 3 rest days in a row, I cannot workout today.

Thursday, July 12, 2018


"Work will work while wishy washy wishing won't"
President Monson

 Something major just happened. I got off my bed. I put on some leggings. Then suddenly, I felt the incredible urge, motivation if you will, to do everything. To work out, stretch, vacuum, do the dishes and so on. I was just so amazed how this one simple action, probably brought about by my desire to not wear real pants gave me the motivation to do all the things I had the desire to do but not.... the..... desire....... to do. From my experience to day I have set a goal for myself for tomorrow. Tomorrow morning I am going to wake up early. I am going to workout before work. I am confident that starting early on my day will give me the motivation for the rest of the day to accomplish all of my goals!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

News 🤷‍♀️

"Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God" - Mormon 5:25

In an effort to make a bigger commitment to my goal of blogging..... I downloaded the app! That way I can post from my phone or write up some drafts. That is pretty much all I got for today but hey, a post is a post 

Sunday, July 8, 2018


"You have not failed until you quit trying" 
President Hinckley 

The idea of imperfections is just a topic I was pondering on today. After witnessing an amazing girl, who I thought was nearly perfect, have an anxiety attack, I realized a couple of things: I realized that nobody, no matter what others would have us think, is perfect. Literally, everyone is struggling with something, some trial, some weakness, some temptation that keeps them from reaching perfection. I also realized that there are things that people are going through, that we may not know about. As weird as it may sound people don't always shout their struggles from the rooftop or their facebook feed. 

I taught a lesson for the beehives today. We were discussing the covenants that we made at baptism. The one thing that kept sticking out to me from the lesson is that, we are supposed to help other people. Our baptismal covenants are best fulfilled when we are serving other people. We were all put on this earth to struggle and be tempted and to have shortcomings, the only possible way that we can all make it back to Heaven, to our Heavenly Father, is to help and serve one another, just as Christ did. 

Saturday, July 7, 2018


"We must have the courage to be imperfect while striving for perfection."
-Sister Holland
Do you ever get a surge of energy to like totally flip your life around and start doing everything you've ever wanted to do... well, this is one of those. To be fair I get them all the time, but even if this is like a temporary prompting, I figure there is no harm acting on it. For this specific surge of life changing energy I have created 5 goals for myself to do everyday for a whole month. I figured not only would blogging about it hold me accountable, but it is also one of my 5 goals. I actually started yesterday (7/6), considering I did not blog anything yesterday I guess I got off to a bad start, but today's a new day, even if I am posting at like 11:00 at night.